Amazon lists The Zombie Haggadah at the lowest price we’ve seen (under $18) and makes it available for prime shipping: Click Here to Buy. Amazon is still the largest retailer in the world, and if you wish to buy The Zombie Haggadah for future seders and want free shipping on your order, buying through Amazon might be your most preferred buying option. Once bought, please leave a review for future zombie seder hunters.


Bookbaby was the only publisher who had the resources to produce this haggadah to our specifications. By buying from Bookbaby, you would be helping many other self-publishing authors and artists, and we’ll even foot the shipping bill of about $5. The only way to buy the book directly from our publisher is through this link: Click Here to Buy 

If you have purchased a copy (…and even if you haven’t!), please visit Amazon and leave a review

Amazon and other retailers use reviews and clicks in their algorithm to determine if a book is “Popular” or not. The more purchases, reviews and clicks The Zombie Haggadah has, the more copies Amazon will hold in inventory. With the book in inventory, copies will be available for faster shipping and will be listed as “in stock”… which is much better than “not in stock.”

Although, its more in the nature of The Zombie Haggadah to stalk abandoned warehouses, in this case, it would still appreciate the out in the open stalking of Amazon warehouses.

A review can be as simple as…

“A Zombie Haggadah – OMG! It looks glorious! Can’t wait to get my copy for Passover!” 5 stars


“The Zombie Haggadah entered my dreams last night and demanded that I purchase this book! I’m thankful that it only costs $18 and that I have Amazon Prime, because now that I gave into its demands, I hope The Zombie Haggadah will leave my sleepy time alone.” 5 stars

And finally, when you receive your copy…

Thanks again to everyone who helped make The Zombie Haggadah a reality!

If you have any questions, please let us know:

Feel free to check out the SUCCESSFUL Kickstarter here:

The Zombie Haggadah Kickstarter